Monday 5 November 2012

I have to get back into work mode...haha. It is a bit difficult when I have all these beautiful photographs I shot in Myanmar. This fantastic Super Golden 5 Star Construction is something I can look at over and over.

This Grocer had some wonderful fruits for sale all beautifully presented and no doubt delicious...

This is the view that greeted me every morning, the stunning Inya Lake...

Everywhere you go there are interesting faces, I wish I could have sat and spoken with this Locksmith, I bet he has seen so much in his time....

This mother and her daughter are wearing Thanaka. Thanaka is a root which they grind and claim it cures most ills, it also protects from the sun and keeps your skin in great condition...

This red bus (local buses made from pick up trucks) driver wears a Buddhist t'shirt. To us in the west this symbol holds dark connotations. I think it is time it became associated with Buddhism where it belongs....  

Visiting the Schwedagon Pagoda is a must see when in Yangon. Brilliantly lit at night it's grounds are filled with temples and shrines of all sizes, no shoes allowed and the monks are only to happy to talk...

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