Monday 1 July 2013


Sorry that it has been over a month since my last post, in my defence however I have been on a tour of France. I will be posting some pictures as and when I make the time to process them. It was a wonderful trip, we look to produce an article from aimed at the Asian market. I am sure you will all be very happy to here our trusty Mondeo took the 2000+ mile journey in it's stride, happily and safely carrying us through the glorious French countryside from Calais to Champagne on to Vercors and Verdon then a quick dip to Nimes and back up via Verdon to Champagne before heading home. Yes we bought a good deal of great Champagne from a wonderful vinyard but I will post more of that in the future.

For now though it is business as usual, a couple of interiors to shoot this afternoon, then I have a print order for a set of portraits to tackle. Later this week I will look to head to a space I have found and see if they are interested in hanging any of my Landscapes and I am also going to finally get around to building a second website aimed specifically at the wedding market, (If you are looking or know any couples looking for a good reliable and creative photographer to record their wonderful day, send them my way).

Amongst all this I wish to find a minute/afternoon to get the lines wet and see if my arm is up to thrashing the water with the old fly rod. Due to my ongoing tennis elbow I haven't made a cast for over 2 years, it will be great to get back to the water again.

No pics this time but good things come to those who wait....

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