Sunday, 14 July 2013

From disaster and frustration to elation, photography is a funny old business...

I started the week as usual with a couple of days shooting interiors for the agencies. I was looking forward to a beach wear shoot I had been putting together for a couple of weeks which was all set for Wednesday. I had had the usual issues with models, well this time there was one special model who applied and confirmed for the casting then stated she couldn't make it because she lives in Guernsey! Why would you apply for a casting in London and confirm if you live on the channel islands, I mean honestly what a time waster. sadly this is how the shoot was going to pan out, model blow outs and unprofessional attitudes is the biggest bain of this job.

Putting this behind me and feeling bad about the hair and make up team also being let down I headed out on Thursday to shoot an interior in Worthing, I had a bit of a plan to hit the beach after and go fishing, sea fishing is a new adventure for me and one I am excited about. I got there and was informed that the job was cancelled, I was reassured I would receive my cancellation fee and expenses so trotted off to the beach. I wasn't too successful and this is a messy business, not like fly fishing at all, however I caught a small Bass and spent a few hours on the beach, pretty much on my own.

Friday came and my good friend and favourite model Amee decides she wants to do a beach wear shoot, brilliant. I think she wanted to cheer me up a bit after the let down earlier in the week. As usual we were a little late heading out but off we went down to West Whittering. I had never been there before but I sure will be going back, it is lovely. Amee looked dazzling as usual and really worked well, I am over the moon with the shots and they will be posted soon enough, well some of them anyway. My 20mm really worked well, I am so glad I bought that beauty. We didn't get back until late and it was straight to bed as I was off to Kent to shoot for a make up artist first thing in the morning.

I loaded up the car (how nice it is not to put everything on my motorcycle), I can actually take my whole studio to wherever now off I went. After a minor stress in the traffic I arrived at a beautiful house in the Kent countryside where I met Dominic and our model Michelle. No time to waste and lots to do I set up the studio and we got to work, here are the first two shots I have processed....

So from what looked like a wash out of a week it developed into a fun and very productive one. Now I have a mountain of processing to do but I am really happy with the shots I made this week so it won't be so bad sitting in the office getting to grips with them, also the Worthing shoot is re-booked for Monday, so maybe I can hit the beach again with more success. Speaking of the beach I think that is where we can go now to enjoy the afternoon.

Take care and remember....Spread the word, I am hungry for work!

Monday, 1 July 2013


Sorry that it has been over a month since my last post, in my defence however I have been on a tour of France. I will be posting some pictures as and when I make the time to process them. It was a wonderful trip, we look to produce an article from aimed at the Asian market. I am sure you will all be very happy to here our trusty Mondeo took the 2000+ mile journey in it's stride, happily and safely carrying us through the glorious French countryside from Calais to Champagne on to Vercors and Verdon then a quick dip to Nimes and back up via Verdon to Champagne before heading home. Yes we bought a good deal of great Champagne from a wonderful vinyard but I will post more of that in the future.

For now though it is business as usual, a couple of interiors to shoot this afternoon, then I have a print order for a set of portraits to tackle. Later this week I will look to head to a space I have found and see if they are interested in hanging any of my Landscapes and I am also going to finally get around to building a second website aimed specifically at the wedding market, (If you are looking or know any couples looking for a good reliable and creative photographer to record their wonderful day, send them my way).

Amongst all this I wish to find a minute/afternoon to get the lines wet and see if my arm is up to thrashing the water with the old fly rod. Due to my ongoing tennis elbow I haven't made a cast for over 2 years, it will be great to get back to the water again.

No pics this time but good things come to those who wait....