Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Heat Strokes - A Fashion Editorial for Féroce Magazine...

Heat Strokes - A Fashion Editorial

Fashion was on my mind, I had had a meeting with a prominant New York Agent and gone through my portfolio sorting the wheat from the chaff. Fresh and experienced eyes always help this process, it was a most positive and constructive experience.

Having spent the majority of this year shooting purely commercial campaigns, which has been great,  I needed a creative break and a different focus. Fortunately a fabulous stylist was back in Taiwan, Tess Chung spends her time between Taiwan and L.A. she is super busy building her clothing brand Agameartists (get over there and check out her store), so I was blessed that she had time to style a shoot for me. Good wardrobe stylists are tricky to find, and especially here in Taiwan, it is a shame as unlike some other photographers, I feel that they are an imperative asset and invaluable on set. Luck seemed to be on my side for this shoot as Jordan Mcewen a fantastic Canadian model was back on the Island. She had reached out to me and asked to shoot as soon as she had landed, I was thrilled as having worked with her before I know she is really talented. So the team was coming together, Tess got her friend and hairstylist Queena Tsai onboard, I rounded it off with make up artist Eddi Shi. I also have to say a big thank you to my two great and hard working assistants that day, Christy Lin and Edison Tang.

As Tess pulled some looks together it was over to me to head out and location scout. I had been thinking of a beach on the west coast, but after further contemplation and searching on Google Earth decided to check out a place I had shot at before. There seemed to be an area I hadn't explored that looked like it had great potential. Jumping on my scooter I headed off on the 20km ride to check it out. That is the benefit of living on a small island I guess, everything is relatively close, however the traffic is usually heavy as it is quite densly populated here so it takes a little longer than you may expect. About an hour later I rolled up and wandered down to the place I was thinking about, it was perfect for us.

I made some quick reference shots on my phone as you can see and sent them to Tess so she could get a better idea of my direction and thoughts, she really liked the location too and so we were now pretty much set. Speaking to everyone we found a day that fitted, there would be no chance of a reshoot if anything happened as Jordan was flying out the next day so all fingers were crossed for good weather, little did we realise what we would be faced with.

Since moving to Taiwan I have made photoshoots on blissfully nice days, days with rain driving sideways in off the ocean, days with mist rolling over us on a mountain side and days with a typhoon heading in and facing the winds that brings to mention just a few. This day was something else though, we have had a hot summer, many days have been mid to high 30's (96+ in fahrenheit). On our shoot day we had got ready early starting at 07:00, leaving Taipei and heading out we were on the location around 09:30 and began to lug the kit down. The temperature was already hitting 30 degrees, and there was not a scrap of breeze to cool us, it was going to be hardcore and I was already slightly concerned for the team. I had brought water for everyone, I had also brought a cooler with ice and beer so we could hit the beach after the shoot and chill together, that plan was not to come be.

The first victims were Tess's shoes, they simply melted in the hot sand and decintigrated, Eddi had stripped to his shorts and was regularly getting in the water, my reflector was deployed to bounce the sun off the kit and offer that some protection. Shoot through umbrellas were handed out for shade and used to shade my light which was baking. Anything we could do to try and keep ourselves and the kit cool was already happening by 10:30 and we were scheduled to shoot until 14:00, this was not good.

Gradually Tess started to look like she was really suffering, I have experience of heat stroke and how dangerous the heat can be so I urged her to get into the ocean and try to cool down. Christy went and got the cool box and we all took turns to place the ice bags on our necks, anything to find a bit of relief. I was ringing with sweat, I may as well have been in the ocean, worse still I was starting to shake from the heat and my head was pounding but I had no choice other than to press on.

I had brought my Mamiya RZ67ProII along with the intention of shooting some rolls of film. I shot one roll per set, so 30 shots for the first three looks, but after that I had to forget about it. I couldn't risk the team or myself by taking time to load film and shoot. I did get some lovely images with the Mamiya and there is certainly a different feel from both film and medium format.

I will for sure be bringing it out on set more regularly in future, preferably when I am not in a situation where the sweat dripping off me is obscuring the viewfinder!

Jordan was a trooper and just kept going as we were falling by the wayside. The ice bags had melted by then and been cut open to share the cool water between us. By now it was midday, the sun was relentless, beating down mercylessly. I was wearing a pair of Vans shoes and the sand was burning my feet through them, it was rediculous, I was later to find out that the temperature on that beach had been an estimated 45 degrees (113 degrees fahrenheit). Here we are battling the heat for this shoot.

Dispite everything we completed the shoot and then it was time to pack up and drag the kit back up the hill to the car. Tess's first pair of shoes had been abandoned, I had given her a pair that I had brought for the shoot but by now they had melted too. She headed off to the car ahead of us dragging her suitcase of clothes. Edison, Christy and I were left to pull the kit out, on the way up the path we found Tess, she was exhausted. I too was exhausted by the time I made it to my car, I really felt like I was about to pass out, Edison saved me though delivering a cool sports replenishment drink. He had gone to the vending machine and bought one bottle for everyone, it was a real lifesaver the hero of the day. Needless to say any plan to hit the beach was abandoned and we all headed home to recover.

So was the shoot worth it? Damn right it was, it went straight into Féroce Magazine, we produced some killer shots and as always the challenge made us push our limits and reach higher.

So I have to say an extra special thank you to all the team, Tess, Queena, Eddi, Christy and Edison. Also a special thank you to Cactus Image for producing super reliable kit that can handle these torturous conditions, it is great to be an Ambassador for such a good company who genuinly want to make the right product for working photographers such as myself (check them out for good kit that works).

And so I suppose you want to see the final results from the days shooting, well I hope you enjoy these.

There we are, a fashion shoot from start to finish pretty much. Thankfully conditions aren't always as demanding as this, but shooting on location you have to take the rough with the smooth. I am shooting two more editorials over the next two weeks so will see what is thrown at us for those, I could of course simply head in to a studio, but where is the fun in that.

I hope you enjoyed this episode, and got an insight into the work that I do, and effort that we all put into it to produce beautiful images.

If you want to book me for work get in touch so we can discuss your needs and get started making a great project together.

You can also check out my Instagram , TumblrTwitter and Linkedin. Remember to LIKE COMMENT, SHARE and FOLLOW.

Thank you and love to all.....

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Refined my Website.

Refined My Website.

So I have been busy, the is great and no complaints. 12 weeks of straight work has meant that I neglected a few things along the way, one of which was my website. Now a couple of weeks ago I had a meeting with a prominent photographers agent from New York and had the opportunity to really go through and edit my site. This all came about thanks to the good people at Mastered, there are ongoing benefits to having done the course with Nick Knight and this certainly proved to be one of them.

As I said I had been working pretty much every day for weeks and was stressed out and feeling a bit burned out. My meeting was at 23:00 on skype, I was totally unprepared. Brent was a little late for the call, he is a busy guy which gave me 10 minutes to make some notes and then we were chatting. He cut straight to the chase and spoke about my style, it's darker qualities and how I should stay true to myself and my vision. We spoke about my desire to work in the wider Asian fashion market and in particularly Shanghai, for which he felt with a bit more work under my belt I would be a good fit. 

As we talked I made a comment which is becoming the mantra for my style, "There is much more life in the darkness". 

Have a look at my work, it is lit but the is a dark quality to it, I use light to create shadows just as much if not more than highlights. This is not something new, the essays I wrote at school were commented on by my tutors as having the same quality. Don't for a second think that I am a dark or sinister person, I am far from it. I just find a certain romantic nuance and mystery in the noir. 

And so I followed the instructions and set about removing the chaff from my website. Refining it's look and cleaning it up, making it more balanced and focused, and can't wait to add my latest editorial fashion story once the publication is released.

I have spent a few days beginning my journey on learning about SEO and implementing that knowledge. It is amazing what I can get done when I put my mind to it, old dogs can learn new tricks.

Acquiring new skills has been something that my latest clients have been pushing me to do. Figuring  out making short film clips, cinemagrams and 2.5 parallax images are all new skills I have learned over the past few months and am enjoying developing. Soon I hope to have better video production options and really get into making short film pieces, who knows I may even invest in a drone if the time is right for that (not to mention I just really want a drone!).

I can hardly have a photography blog without a picture in it can I, or can I? This is about my now refined website, so if you want to see pictures I suggest you visit here: Of course you may well already be on the blog page of my website, in which case the links to the pages are at the top, what are you waiting for?

Let me know what you think if you have time, feedback is always appreciated.

If you want to book me for work get in touch so we can discuss your needs and get started making a great project together.

You can also check out my Instagram , TumblrTwitter and Linkedin. Remember to LIKE COMMENT, SHARE and FOLLOW.

Thank you and love to all.....

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Kenting to Taitung

Kenting to Taitung.

Leaving the southern most point of Taiwan behind me there was only one way to ride, North. I was sticking to the East coast, the sky was grey as was the ocean off my right shoulder. I felt a little saddened that my journey was in it's final stages, so much had happened in the few days since leaving home to set out on the road. I was calm on the comfy seat of the big scooter, suspension adjusted to take the weight and a fairly simple ride to my next and familiar stop. Just one night in Chishang Township. 

Chishang Township is a small town just north of Taitung, it is famous for it's paddyfields and also Mr. Browns avenue. The avenue was made famous from a TV advert and then a tree got blown down in a typhoon. This caused a bit of a todo in Taiwan and soon the tree was lifted, replanted and furnished with plenty of support. It has turned the area into a bit of a tourist hot spot, some would say this has ruined the place, but I have never known it any other way. Coming from a city like London, I would not call  it busy there, I find it relaxing and tranquil.

One of the best things in Chishang is to get up early and grab some soybean milk skin for breakfast, it is really delicious and a favourite of mine when I am in this little town.

Of course before I got to the township I had to make the ride up the coast, I didn't bother to stop and make pictures as the sky was so grey. However I was sitting at a junction figuring out a way to go when a fellow scooter tour rider stopped to ask me directions. She was surprised to find out that I was a foreigner, but I had a working satnav now and so pointed her in the right direction. It's always good to meet a friendly fellow traveller on the road, nice to meet you Pappa Jane..

What a ray of sunshine on a grey road. Pressing on I made enough time to take a slightly different route up into the mountains before travelling down to the B&B. The clouds made the the light interesting, finding a good view I waited for the sun to set and light the valley below me.

On a sunny morning the paddy fields around Chishang Township can look so amazing in the early morning light.

This image was made on a previous visit and shot on my fabulous Fujifilm X-Pro2. On the actual morning I arose on my scooter tour, the clouds were low in the valley and the weather looked ominous. I had a very long ride all the way up the coast, past Hualien and on to Yilan. So this was not the greeting I wanted from the weather...

That's the tree by the way, just in case you were wondering.

It was time to go, the longest single ride of my whole trip and the penultimate leg of the journey. You can find out about that bit next time and then we are almost at the end of this story. Hopefully you have been enjoying it, sorry the posts aren't super regular I am not the greatest blogger in the world, but I do hope it has been of some interest.

Until then, check out my WebsiteInstagram , TumblrTwitter and Linkedin. Remember to LIKE COMMENT, SHARE and FOLLOW.

Feel free to get in touch, if you have any questions, bookings, assignments etcetera, I am always interested to hear from you (contact me).

Love to all...

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Pt6.... South Bound to Kenting.

Pt6.... South Bound to Kenting.

It was a glorious morning, clear blue skies and already warming up as I loaded my big scooter and prepared for our ride to the southern tip of the island. As much as I love Tainan, after all the travelling and shooting I was looking forward to the even more relaxed atmosphere of Pingtung County and Kenting. 

It was decent to come across this little group of SYM Jet enthusiasts, they were hanging out in the petrol (gas) station waiting for more of their mates to join them. Speaking to them as I made some photographs of  their tricked out rides it transpired there was a big meet happening. I was tempted to hang out and go with them, as I mentioned before though we were on a schedule and this was going to be a long, and hot ride.

The first place I wanted to check on our journey this day is a very surreal location, it is known as Moon World Landscape Park. I am not sure what the geology is of this area, Gypsum maybe? Erosion has created a craggy, ridged landscape with fine sand tracks running through it, hence the moonscape comparison. Riding on this fine sand was very tricky, especially with a fully loaded bike and Mrs.L on the back. To say she wasn't fully enthusiastic on my off road adventure would be an understatement. I like to explore though, and just ride up any track to see where it leads me, that is why I believe two wheels is the best way to see Taiwan.

I really had begun to appreciate my MaxSym, it is capable of munching the miles no problem. I also like the styling and little extra details like the red trim and stitching.

Below is an view over the Moon World Landscape, it is quite a strange formation to come across and is worth a visit if you are travelling between Tainan and Kaohsiung.

Fo Guang Shan temple is another place to be sure to visit, I really like it here. It is huge, the giant Buddha overlooking the pagodas that line the central walk way to the temple. You can't really get an  idea of just how big this Buddha is unless you visit the temple for yourself. With a constant soundtrack of chanting playing out through speakers, even when there are many people here, it is a calm and serine experience to enjoy.

Tai Chi being practised in the gardens of the temple.
Riding west and back toward the ocean, we would turn left and follow the coast road all the way south to Kenting. It is an odd thing, but gradually something became more apparent, other road users driving was becoming increasingly erratic. I was just trying to stay calm as car drivers forced their way alongside pushing us to the side of the road. I was riding at the same speed as the car ahead of me, but some people were just forcing their way through on everyone in a very selfish and stupid manner. It would seem that they had reached a point where they felt close enough to their destination to drive like arseholes (excuse me). The absolute pinnacle of this was when I stopped for a red light, I had my foot down for at least 5-10 seconds when a car flew past us, swerving wildly from side to side and missing us by only a couple of feet. The driver obviously had not seen the light and thankfully avoided us, had they hit us it would have been a horrific scene for Mrs.L and I...what a total wanker!

Having survived this and been stuck among a bunch of crazy drivers for too long, I decided to just pull over and make photographs as the sun was beginning to sink a little lower toward the horizon, I needed to calm down too as I was a touch upset by the near miss.

Just as the sun finally set we arrived at our B&B, The Comic Kenting. The B&B is just outside Kenting itself, but has hotspring supplied water. It is a little sulphurous, but sitting in one of the outside baths and watching the the stars appear with a cold beer is a great way to soak away the aches of a long day in the saddle.

Rejuvenated we went to town to find something to eat. Kenting has a main strip and is a tourist town for sure. For me it can seem a little bit tacky, maybe I am just being old and boring haha, it certainly has plenty of entertainment. It also has a few good places to eat, and plenty of places to drink. 

The landscape and ocean is what I like most about Pingtung County, there are white coral sand beaches as well as rocky coves which are great to snorkel and dive, plenty to explore. Be careful if you are off the beaten track though, we saw a pretty large snake, unfortunately for the snake it hadn't made it across the road, but it did serve as a reminder.

Pre-breakfast photographs in the bag, I was happy to return to this. The owner of The Comic makes her own bread fresh everyday, along with home made jams, delicious.

While in Kenting I had been asked by SYM to pick up a new Jet S scooter and make some campaign images for them. It was fun to have a day zipping about on something so light and agile. I even got Mrs.L making photographs of me whizzing through some corners.

The beaches on the west of the island generally have calm seas and soft white sand in Pingtung, but if you pop over to the east side you can find some good surfing and great roads to ride too. As with everywhere in Taiwan, the locals are super friendly, really beautiful people. The sign obviously gives it away that we were on our way back west, on the excellent route 26.

In October there are seasonal winds that are pretty strong blowing across Pingtung, however these can produce some wonderful conditions. What a sky to see, the clouds were like cotton wool but moving so fast.

It was really lovely having Mrs.L with me for a few days and part of the tour, she had to leave though and so I took her to catch the bus. It was too funny not to tell you about it, we waited at the bus stop but the driver did not see us waving. With a nod from a local we leaped onto the scooter and chased the bus down getting him to pull over just for us, what a dude the driver was laughing as much as us. I'm not sure that would have happened in the UK.

And so I was on my own again and now on my way back north on the first section taking me home. It had started to try and rain, but fortunately held off as I now rode away from the beaches but staying close to the ocean hugging the east coast.

In just a few more days I would be back in New Taipei, prior to this I still had Taitung and Yilan to go. The road ahead was still long, I was used to the big scooter now and together we took a breath and headed out for another day in the saddle.

I hope you enjoyed this little view of a beautiful part of the world, as with everywhere in Taiwan it is varied in it's landscape, but for me has the best roads, although the mountain roads are pretty special too.

Until next time...

Until then, check out my WebsiteInstagram , TumblrTwitter and Linkedin. Remember to LIKE COMMENT and FOLLOW.

Feel free to get in touch, if you have any questions, bookings, assignments etcetera, I am always interested to hear from you (contact me).

Love to all...